Friday, May 21, 2010

Kid getting shot caught on google earth maps

Have you seen the kid that was going to be shot, google maps caught it on camera. This image is frightening to see. You have to wounder where the gun came from?

This image is a reminder that things like this accur everyday. Most people dont hear about it, simply because there is to many incodents like this one to keep up with.

It makes parents like my wife and i, stop our children from playing outside or with other children in the neiborhood.

You need to wounder where was this childs parents at the time? My wife and i pray that the gun that the child was holding is a toy.

Something like this could get that child shot himself, if the police was called. They might not shoot to kill, but if it came down to it, i do not want to think about what could happen.

This image is deffinetly a wake up call for all parents around the world, before this incodent becomes a new trend just to get in the eye of the public!

Grey's Anatomy Season 2010

Grey's anatomy is an American medical drama following the life of interns and residents at Grace Mercy West Hospital.

From drama to excitment, Grey's anatomy is an emotional roller coaster of tears, laughter and pain from the lives of interns and residents .

This life drama keeps you at the end of your seet, antisapating what is going to happen next.

They are in thier eighth season and havent lost a beat. From trial and error of eveyday life, to stress and emotion overload of working at a hospital. Grey's anatomy has it all.

March 27, 2005 was the premier of "A hard days night", on ABC. From then we have followed them threw 6 seasoms.

If you have any comments or news updates, let us know. Leave your comment here!