Sunday, May 29, 2011

How To Make Attraction Marketing Work.

 What I have to share with you today about
Attraction Marketing will be something that fills in
what you may see as a huge gap between
where you are now in your business and
where you want to be.

Despite what you may think, creating
lasting success and a profitable long
term business for yourself leveraging
the internet is a LOT closer than you

And it has everything to do with what
I'm about to share with you.

Success is so close, but you have to
believe and take action on what's to
follow or you'll never realize how close
you actually are to . . .

- Quitting your job and working on your
own terms

- Providing a better future for your

- Finding new meaning and a new sense of
value for what you contribute to the

- Finally earning what you're worth
instead of what you're willing to settle

And ...

Here's where it begins.

During 96% of the conversations I've
held to date, those good people, I spoke
to had an excellent understanding of
what attraction marketing is, but ...

Where most were met with confusion that
stopped them in their tracks from
achieving breakthrough personal results
in their business was realizing how to
actually apply attraction marketing to
THEIR business.

Likely, that's where you may be confused
as well.

And you know what, people are funny
creatures. We don't like to be confused.
We are hard wired to find the answer to
our most pressing problems.

The problem is, for most, this has meant
buying more stuff in an effort to fill
in the gap between comprehension of what
attraction marketing is and how to
actually apply it to their business,

The answer to "how to actually make
attraction marketing work" isn't in any
of those courses and as result, by the
time I had good old, down to earth,
conversations with folks they were just
flat out confused and in massive
information overload.

Well, no one left those conversations
(or will leave them) confused and
neither will you once you've finished
reading this.

First, let's talk about the basics of
attraction marketing so we're all on the
same page.

To put it simply, it's about using
marketing to attract the most likely
prospect to either join your business or
buy something you have to offer.

Everyone gets that part, where the gap
lies is in how to actually do it.

Here's how . . .

You start by defining WHO the right
prospect is. Who's your ideal customer?
Who's the best person to join your

Once you've got a good idea (and it's
likely someone just like you) you take
the next step by asking a simple
question ...

"What are their biggest problems?"

Take some time to brainstorm this
yourself. Write out the answers on a
piece of paper so you can see your
answers in full clarity.

For example, if you're in the home
business industry, then your brainstorm
will look something like this.

- Getting more and better leads - Making
more money quickly - Recruiting with

And the list may go on (and should), but
here's where MOST people mess up ...

Once you know their biggest problems you
MUST choose one to solve for them.

Now, at this point, you don't have to be
an expert. You just have to choose a
path - a problem to solve.

Let's say it's getting more and better
leads - that's the problem you want to
solve for people. Great!

Now you ask the next logical question
which is ...

"What are some methods for generating
leads online that work?"

Again this is a brainstorm, you don't
have to be an expert.

You'll likely end up with a list of
things like:

- Pay per click - Article marketing -
Video marketing - Facebook - Newsletter
advertising - Banner advertising - Etc.

Finally choose the one you like best and
here's where it gets hairy - do some

Buy some products that teach you how to
get results with your chosen lead
getting channel.

Test what you learn in those products.

Most likely, you'll come out with some
positive results if you put your mind to

You'll also make a few breakthroughs
yourself - things that weren't taught,
but you learned through the school of
hard knocks out there testing.

That experience you gain along with
those results BECOME your starting point
for adding unique value to the

Ok, so before we go any farther, let me
just quickly recap where we are ...

If we want to make attraction marketing
work for us, then we must FIRST know who
we want to attract, what their problems
are, choose a problem, go about gaining
some specific knowledge in the area of
solving said problem, and finally test
what we learn out there in the real
world. As a result you'll end up with
experience and result = value.

IMPORTANT: None of this means you must
be an expert - only a person willing to
go out and solve the problems, on a
basic level, of those you want to

Now here's where the "attraction magic"

We go back to the marketplace with our
solution - maybe we start out with a
simple lead capture page and a short
free report or video to explain our new
insights to help our target market
overcome their hurdles.

Here's the secret - When you create your
lead capture page be mindful of what
your prospect really wants, which is
ideally ...

An instant resolution to their most
immediate problem - and so that's
exactly what you want to provide them on
your landing page as a reason to opt in.

So if I were going to share with people
how to use article marketing to generate
free leads passively, I wouldn't have as
a headline "How To Use Article To Get
Free Leads" (It would work, but it's not
the best way to attract the BEST
prospects to you.)

A MUCH more powerful approach may be to
search our inventory of new found
experiences we've accumulated in the
school of hard knocks for the ONE simple
thing that will bring them the highest
level of results with the least effort.

So, I know that, for example with
article marketing, the simplest way to
double your results from what you do is
to simply, at the end of your articles,
instruct your readers to click your
resource box in the last few lines of
your article.

That sounds simple, easy, and effective
right? BINGO! That's what we advertise.

Maybe a headline like ...

"Who Else Wants To Discover A Little
Known Trick That's Guaranteed To Doubles
Your Free Leads Instantly And Forever
And Works In 3 Seconds Or Less"

Now we could do better, but I think you
get where I'm going. That second
headline creates a LOT more curiosity,
hence will have a higher conversion rate
for you, and ...

If we want to get deep, the second
headline also assumes that the person is
trying to get traffic already and hence
speaks more directly to the person out
there that is taking action to try to
get results in their business.

The person, not just thinking about
results, but actually working for them,
at the end of the day ends up being a
much better lead for you.

So you'll "attract" more action oriented
people who are who you want to attract
anyways right?

And all we did was we took something we
knew our prospects had as a problem, and
thought more intimately about the nature
of how they wanted that problem solved
and spoke to them right at the heart of
it - that's magic.

When you can do this, and maybe you need
to read this a few more times, you can
go into any marketplace and attract the
best prospects to you whenever you want.

Now, here's the last thing I didn't

We get confused when we have a lot of
general knowledge and no direction to
apply that information to create
meaningful results in our lives.

When you choose a specific group of
prospect, a problem they have, then go
about creating a solution for them
yourself now when you go out and market
your own stuff you do it with laser like
clarity, so in other words ...

Once you go through this process you'll
find you'll have a marketing message
that resonates with your BEST prospects
no matter where or how you choose to
advertise and as a result you'll suck
the attention of the best of the herd
like a hoover vacuum.

The Strategy Of Newsletter Marketing.

Bar none my favorite and in my experience the
most exciting way to drive massive numbers
into your downline in the least amount of
time is the strategy of newsletter marketing.

Today I'd like to share a few tips that will
help you get a maximum response from using
this form of marketing, pay close attention
because this stuff isn't in any e- books or
courses I've seen out there.

It works like this . . .

There are newsletters that cater to every
interest imaginable, from gardening to
raising poodles, so it only makes sense that
there are newsletters out there that serve
crowds of individuals wanting to earn a living
from home.

Because the crowd who reads these newsletters
are interested in starting a business and
looking forward to receiving more information
on starting a business from home they are an
extremely responsive crowd to get your
message in front of.

The best ad I've placed in one of these
newsletter brought in some 75 people in a few
days while I was still working the good old

I gotta tell you, there's no better feeling
than coming home from the grind to see 50 new
people in your downline while you were gone.

The way that we as marketers can get in front
of these folks is to place an ad in one of
these publications.

What you might not know is there are several
types of ads that you can place in these
publications and each type will return a
different rate of response.

If you're anything like me, I know you're
probably wondering what's the BEST way to get
the highest response? If so listen closely .
. .

I've placed every type of ad imaginable in
these publications and bar none the best of
the bunch is called a "solo ad". It's a form
of an ad that goes out to the entire
subscriber base with no other competing

So right here you can see the advantage of
such a type of ad, but here's a reason why
you need to placing this sort of an ad above
all others that you may not have considered.

If you place any other ad you're competing
with both the content in that newsletter as
well as other ads, so to get maximum share
voice you want to be the only one there, but
the REAL reason why solo ads out pull all
others is because you control the subject
line of the emailing itself.

That's where the real power is in placing a
solo ad. The reason why is because even if
you've got a killer ad in the newsletter
competing with others that draws in clicks
like crazy if that email never gets opened it
doesn't matter one bit.

If you control the subject line of the
mailing now you control how many eyeballs
actually see the ad which is kingpin here. If
they don't see it they can't respond, so if
you get them to see the ad with a strong
subject line that gets them to open the email
the lion share of the work is done.

Another thing you might not know about this
form of marketing is that your response is
NOT so much driven by your call to action as
it is by placing your ad in the right

You could place a killer ad in a bad
newsletter and your responses will be low, but
you can place a mediocre ad in a killer
newsletter and you're almost assured strong

So the key to newsletter marketing is placing
the right type of ad. A solo ad so that you
can control the subject line ensuring the
maximum number of people open the email and
picking the right newsletter to place the ad
in in the first place.

You get these two things right and you'll
find yourself coming home from work one day
with tons of people in your business while
you were away. Then not to long after you
won't be going to work because you're making
a full time living from your business.

How To Recruit With Words.

Just a few days ago I was going through a
free report that will shed some powerful
light on how to recruit with words.

The author of the report was a professional
copywriter working for one of the most famous
copywriting firms in the world.

This guy was writing a sales letter for a
golf related product.

In the letter, the copywriter referred to
what he THOUGHT was most important to his

He addressed two major frustrations in the
golfing world - hitting the ball father and
eliminating hooks and slices.

Upon completion of the letter the copywriter
took the letter to the big boss for a final

His boss, being one of the most accomplished
copywriters in the world and having written
several high performing offers for the golf
world, looked at the letter and gave him some
simple advice . . .

"Forget about the slice stuff and focus the
entire letter on hitting the ball farther.
That's REALLY what the market is after."

The copywriter followed the advice of his
boss and made the appropriate changes and
ended up with a winner.

The moral of the story is . . .

Don't worry about the ancillary stuff. Deal
with the biggest problem and frustration of
the target market and dig deep on it.

 What this means to you and I as
network marketers is this (and it's important)...
 forget about everything in your venture
 except solving the main problem of
your prospect.

In the network marketing world, the problem
always comes back to money. Solve that and
that alone.

To be honest, no one cares about your
companies products for the most part. All
they really want to know is "how" they are
going to make money.

From your prospect's perspective, if you give
them a good opportunity to solve their money
problems, they can always rationalize that
the product or service is "good".

Waste no time describing your product or why
your company is so great, unless it directly
supports how and why your prospects have the
best chance of making money with it.

Look around both the online and offline
network marketing world and you'll soon see
very clearly that this is the model that just
about every highly successful opportunity

So, you use it to. And you think of yourself
as the opportunity NOT your company, but I'll
explain as we dig deeper here.

So let's get to the step by step.

First, you begin with a headline that
addresses the concern of money.

Second, you start your sales letter with a
lead in that either pulls your audience
directly into your story to both entertain
and address again the concern or you can
simply pose a question that would pull them
in deeper like "If you're sick and tired of
working pay check to paycheck then pay
attention to everything you're about to

Next you dig deeper into your story. If you
have a good one be sure to bring up your real
life failures that they can identify with.


So that when your prospect reads it he then
begins to think "If this guy can do it after
going through all this then so can if I just
know what he knows."

If you can arouse that sort of curiosity then
you're on the right track.

Follow this up by bringing up a few things
that they may have learned or tried in the
past and explain why the only result of
following that path is failure. Be sure to
explain exactly why.

Allude to the idea that you've found a way

Bring up your biggest "Ah Ha" moment. The
thing that changed everything for you.

Three Most Powerful Ways To Recruit People On A Shoestring Budget.

I get asked all the time what's the best way
to generate leads and recruit people into my
business on a shoestring budget, so today
we're going to review the three most powerful
ways to do just that.

1. Funded Proposal:

The best way to increase your probability of
success in your business is to turn your
little budget into a much larger one while
generating leads and a profit in the process.
If you don't have much money to promote your
business then the first thing you should
think about is how to make your budget
larger, not how to get by solely on free


Free traffic is great, but to win in the end
you want to have the ability to generate
traffic from as many different places as
possible and well, most high yield
advertising does cost money, so it's a
reality to understand and overcome, not try
to maneuver around.

A funded proposal gives you the opportunity
to generate leads and have those leads pay
for themselves through the sale of the
products in your marketing system.

So the most important strategy is to think
about how you can afford to pay more for
advertising instead of trying to do
everything free and using a funded proposal
system is by far the most powerful way to do

2. Article Marketing:

After returning from an extremely informative
seminar this weekend the power of article
marketing has been reinforced in my mind in a
big way. I personally have written some 350
plus articles that has lead to over 80,000
references to my name in Google. That's

This past weekend I listened to the
strategies of an article marketing specialist
and this method alone had yielded him over
$12,000 a month all via free traffic.

If those two things aren't proof enough that
article marketing is powerful then I don't
know what is.

It's free, it's viral, and produces the
highest converting leads of all traffic
sources I've tracked, so I suggest you use
this strategy and use it in a big way.

An article a day keeps the J.O.B. away!

3. Blogging:

This one may surprise you, but blogging is
not only a powerful tool to use in your
prospecting efforts, but it's a highly
targeted free traffic generator as well.

In fact I was extremely surprised to see that
one of my blogs that I use solely for
prospecting and as a meeting place for my
team after checking my server stats to this
day generates over 2000 unique visitors a
month and all I do is write stuff and add it
to the blog.

Don't expect blogging to bring you big
traffic today or tomorrow, but six months
down the line when you have over 100 post or
so on your blog mark my words the search
engines are going to be sending you some
significant traffic just for you having put
that content out there !

The "Power" Of Tragedy.

The power of tragedy is that provides a
more compelling a story line than
anything else.

Think back to all the most powerful
stories throughout history.

And well, here's where this matters to
you and me.

Right now, your story might be something
of a tragedy, things aren't going right,
you're hitting the wall, you're going
through the school of hard knocks for
the eighth time.

Well, guess what? It happens to us all
at some point, and once you rise above
it like the phoenix from the flame
you'll find . . .

In sharing the truth of your own tragedy
with those who come after will be one
of your most powerful and real assets
to attract good-real people to your

Never be ashamed, never be afraid to
share the truth, the good the bad and
the ugly, and you'll find your worst
times to be one of the most powerful
forces you can and will use to propel
yourself to the good ones.

Are "YOU" Famous ?

Every now and then I get a powerful
reminder of just how powerful the
internet actually is.
Here's a quick story to share what I
mean . . .
Last night, I took my wife out to a nice
sunday dinner at a restaurant just a few 
minutes down the road from my home .
(Get the spaghetti and meatballs if you
get a chance to go there - best
meatballs ever.) lol !
And Mike, our waiter, comes over and
says "Are you famous? Your name sounds
familiar . . ."
I reply "No more famous than you my
He says "No really, I think I've seen
you out there in cyber space somewhere."
I laugh a little and say . . . "Ohh
yeah, that's me."
We talk about online marketing for a
bit, my wife looks over at me a little
sideways, and we have a good dinner.
How amazing is it, that you or I can
start a little business online and
without knowing it . . . become famous.

JPgroup20 Hot Trends And News Updates: Network MarketersYou've Been Lied To !

JPgroup20 Hot Trends And News Updates: Network MarketersYou've Been Lied To !

Network MarketersYou've Been Lied To !

Not understanding this one key point is
a major reason why many network
marketers don't make it.

So many get into their first business
full of high hopes and an open mind but
then are quickly given some of the worst
advice imaginable.

It happened to me.

What was that advice?

Go out there and let's get some leads so
you can get a team under you as fast as
possible to cover your costs.

This advice cost me over $7,417 over the
course of seven months which I never
recouped in any way shape or form.

Bad advice on two points:

1. Buying leads takes a major point of
control in your business away from you
as a marketer.

You're paying someone to give you leads,
and you have no control over where they
come from, how they are delivered, or
how many people those leads are
distributed to.

This is bad.

2. Trying to recruit your way to a
situation where your cost are covered in
full is not something that can or will
happen quickly.

The money you earn in your network
marketing business is cut up into 100s
of different little pieces to suit your
compensation plan. Of the money you
bring into you company you really only
get a small portion of it.

This is not necessarily a bad thing,
because this leverage swings both ways.
Once you have a big team under you,
those little pieces start to add up into
something significant. You're just not
going to make much money quickly trying
to recruit your way to covering your

That's what most network marketers are
taught is a favorable economic situation
- Recruiting your way to the break even
point. It can happen, but ...

Only the strong survive.

What happens to most is what happened to

You spend hundreds on leads and get no

The next month you do it again.

The next month you do it again.

Now you not only have your company's
membership cost to recoup you've also
got this big advertising debt to recoup
AND to make matters worse you're trying
to do it with recruiting.

This is a situation that's literally
going to take you years if ever to

It's like trying to dig a hole and every
time you remove some dirt someone else
with a shovel twice the size of yours
fills in your hole and adds twice as
much dirt as you just removed.

Now you got a little hill growing in
front of you and you started digging on
flat ground.

You look over at your sponsor and say:

"Hey this doesn't look like it's going
to work."

He says ...

"Just keep digging, that's how it works.
If you dig long enough and fast enough
you'll make it work."

You keep digging and that, once, flat
ground is now a mountain.

You look at it in disgust and realize
you've only made the problem worse.

Either you did something completely
wrong or someone lied to you.

You didn't do anything wrong.

Favorable economics occurs when you have
a flow of leads that pays for itself and
will continue to pay for itself NOT when
you have covered those cost with your
companies check.

If you have any comments or news updates, let us know. Leave your comment here!