Monday, July 4, 2011

"Is 7 Minutes Worth $1,685.77 In Free Traffic To You?"

I have an important question for you
before I get knee deep into some free
traffic fun ...

"Is seven minutes worth $1,685.77 in
free traffic to you?"

Now the answer to this question is
important because if your answer is YES,
then I'll make you two promises:

1. Focusing in and paying attention to
what follows will take you no longer
than 7 minutes.

2. I'll show you exactly how to, in less
than 7 minutes, get up to $1,685.77 or
more in free traffic.

You game? Good! Let's roll ...

THE first questions I get asked when I
talk to someone new to marketing is
"What's the best way to get a TON of
free traffic."

Now personally, I don't like this

To me, it's like asking me "How can I be
an absolute cheapskate and make money?"

That mentality doesn't fly with me.

Because it's a mental position that's
completely juxtaposed to building a
million dollar (or more) online

It's a hobbyist mentality that rarely
leads to positive returns.

If this is your current way of thinking
I HIGHLY suggest you let go of the
search for the perfect way to get rich
for free.

It's a waste of time, yet . . .

With that said, there absolutely is a
"BEST" free traffic generation strategy,
in my opinion, and that's what I'm here
for today . . .

Pound for pound, from my own stats, the
traffic you will garner, and the leads
you will generate, from what follows
tends to convert 2.5 times more into
recruits and profits than more
complicated paid strategies.

The evergreen, tried and true, strategy
of article marketing is by FAR the most
profitable long term strategy for
generating, not only cash in the bank,
but leads – quite literally, for life.

Nothing is better than "set it and
forget it marketing," and distributing
free content is the goose that keeps on
laying the golden egg, if . . . You do
it right and I can teach you how .

Go here now-

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