Friday, June 10, 2011

In Marketing Your Working To Hard.

Why slave away doing SEO or submitting
articles or creating 1000 videos no one
will ever watch to generate 2 leads
every 3 days when ...

You can get 1000s for "better than free"
daily doing nothing?

I'll explain "better than free" in a

You'll love it and it's NOT what you
think ...

So there I was sitting in the room with

Carlos makes $5 mil a month. No joke. He
showed me, and I paid $25K to sit in
that room.

And I ask him ... "How?"

He says to me ...


"Micro => Macro"

That's how.

And in that moment I knew my money was
more than well spent.

Those that make more don't work harder,
they just work WAY smarter.

I mean ...

From that statement, within 4 months.

No joke ...

I went from getting just 50 leads a day
to 2,673 and the kicker is ...

I worked less to get 2,673 leads than I
did to get 50.

Doesn't make sense now, but it will.

Here's what that little "Micro => Macro"
thing Carlos shared with me meant.

He meant ...

You test small, but you test like a mad
man small.

Once you have your product or license

BTW - Carlos was making $5 mil a month
off a product he licensed.

He didn't even create it.

Once you have your product you TEST

Headlines. Price Points. Background
Color. Ever Single Email Subject Line.
Product Images. Order Forms. Exit Pops.
Landing Pages. Calls To Action. One Time
Offers. Bonuses. Etc ...

I could on all day, but I think you get
the picture, and ...

You better believe that's exactly what I
did when I got home.

Like a freaking mad scientist.

All day and all night.

For like 60 days straight.

I must have looked like a zombie,
but ...

I got my little product funnel
converting like an insane rabid dog.

When I was making like $12 per lead I
knew I was ready.

(Leads only cost me like $2 so I was
making like $10 on ever lead on a small

Then I did exactly what Carlos said.

I went BIG.

Next ...

I take a much needed vacation to Greece
and then ...

One morning I check my emails from
the lobby of the hotel I'm staying
in in the middle of Syntagma Square
in Athens, and ...

BTW: Check out the view of the
Acropolis I had from my suite:

I see 1300 leads come my way.

The next day I see 1800 leads.

The next day I see 2,673 leads, and ...

It just continues on like that the whole
2 week vacation and definitely doesn't
slow down when I get back home.

I was hanging out in Greece generating
50X more leads than I was before I knew
what Carlos shared with me.

(and worked my ass off)

Worth $25k?

I think so, but here's the kicker.

Everything I did to create that
marketing funnel that generated 2,673
leads per day while not working,
and I mean ...

Ever email, the exact one time offer
sequence, all the tweaks - is right here
for you:

So a question ...

I paid $25k just to learn what to do.

Then went home and worked like a mad man
for 60 days to create a funnel that
let me get 2,673 leads daily doing

If you had the same EXACT funnel I
created down to every email subject line.

How much is that worth?

If you have any comments or news updates, let us know. Leave your comment here!