There are so many things happening on the web around us , that many Internet marketers tend to miss out on a few powerful opportunities .
The reason for this is because many new marketers or some that have been here for awhile , do not realize the power of the "NEW". What I mean about the "NEW" is, the new changes , the new app's, the new tools . All these "NEW" change means great profits for an Internet marketer.
People are surfing the Internet for one thing , and I think that this one thing is the most powerful strategy to remember, and that is "INFORMATION"! That's right information , and I think many Internet marketers focus so hard on one specific thing that they lose out on so many income opportunities .
That's why everything going on around you is so important . If a new app just came out , people want to know about it . If one website is becoming very popular , people want to know about it . This would be the time to write about it , make a video on it , what ever it takes to place yourself out on the front line of the "NEW".