Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The"Magic Of 10%".

Not many people know this . . .

But when it comes to success in your
business, especially an online home based
business, the driving factor in how fast and
how large that business grows is NOT what
you're lead to believe.

What we're led to believe in the home
business industry that if we just get a few,
they will just get a few, and soon everyone
is working together and everyone gets rich.

Nope, don't happen that way. You can't put a
few in and then sit back and wait. It's not
going to work.

It's all about what you do. And that's a good

The more you control in your business the
better off you are.

See the driving factor in your business is
not the comp plan, the product or your

It's how many you bring in and how you
control how others bring the rest in.

This has almost everything to do with what
you do. You take control you win.

You grow your business by generating leads

You grow your downline by allowing a select
few of those leads into your organization.

They duplicate NOT because of magic.

They duplicate you because you give them the
passion from your own vision and that fuels
them to gain the confidence in themselves to
give it a shot.

Learn more here;

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