Saturday, July 2, 2011

‎"How To Get 1,645 To 2,144 Leads In 24 Hours Or Less" (Part 6 of 7)

At the end of the day, what dictates the
success of your newsletter advertising
campaign is ...

- NOT how many people see it
- NOT how many people click your link
- NOT even how many leads you get

Nope. It's money. It's ...

Did that ad you just placed make you
money or did it lose you money?

And oddly enough, that's exactly where
most new newsletter marketers drop the

That won't happen to you though ...

Most will place an ad and wait for the
flood of cash to hit their bank account,
and when it doesn't they act surprised,
get disheartened, and "think" newsletter
marketing doesn't "work".

It certainly does work, and before we
spend our time together today you're
going to know EXACTLY how to milk
maximum profits out of your newsletter
marketing efforts.

What would you do if you sent out a
newsletter ad, and a few days later you
had an extra $11,040.50 in your bank

It's happened to me on more than one
occasion, and I'm going to walk you
through exactly how to make it happen
your business as well.

Over the past 7 years or so I've tested
just about ever follow method their is
for newsletter marketing traffic, and at
least as far as my test have shown after
over $200,000+ spent on ads what we're
about to get into beats EVERYTHING else,
but ...

Before I get into that, let me bring you
up to speed on how to build your
business on a stable platform supported
by the power of newsletter marketing.

Newsletter marketing was the EXACT
marketing strategy that got me out of my
not so good ole' J.O.B. many a year ago
and today it's just as powerful as ever.

Every single month I have at least one
day where I drive at least 1,645 leads
into my list passively from newsletter
ads I set up months and months ago.

It's totally set it and forget it
traffic ONCE you get it right.

And that's what we've building up to
over the last few days.

I've shared with you the biggest
mistakes that I've seen other marketers
make in newsletter advertising over the
years, and what works.

Here's a recap:

- Mistake #1 Quality Control

Choose the wrong newsletter and you've
lost before you've even started.

RULE: Always put your potential
newsletters through a rigorous quality
control process before spending a dime.

- Mistake #2 Ad Placement Control

Place your ad in the wrong spot even in
the right newsletter and could end up
with very little exposure.

RULE: Always place "Solo Ad", nuf said.

- Mistake #3 Traffic Control

Create the wrong type of an ad and you
drastically reduce the amount of traffic
you're getting from newsletter

Rule: Short punchy ads = Maximum Traffic

Mistake #4 Lead Control

Send your newsletter traffic to the
wrong landing page and you KILL your
chances of getting a lot of leads even
if you do everything else right.

RULE: Use The Highest Converting Landing
Page Possible

And that brings up to now ...

Mistake #5 Profit Control

We've placed an ad in a killer
newsletter, we've positioned it for
maximum exposure, we crafted an ad to
get us maximum traffic, and we've create
a landing page that sucks in leads like
a Hoover Vacuum, now ...

How do profit on all our hard work, and
how do we do it in minimum time?

Well, what doesn't work is sitting and
waiting for the money pour in.

What also doesn't is using some canned
autoresponder sequence.

What does work though, after extensive
testing is ...

Following up aggressively by email at
least once per day for at least the
first 7 days after you place a
newsletter ad.

My tests have shown the more you follow in
that golden first 7 day period the
faster you'll recoup and and earn a
profit on your marketing efforts.

There's a ton more I could get into, and
I do ...

But for today, I want you to remember
that the profit is what matters in your
newsletter marketing efforts, and the
WAY you drive maximum profits is by
following up at least once per day for
at least 7 days.

Think about it like a prescription from
the doctor of "newsletter advertising"
himself, stick to it and you'll create a
"healthy" profit margin for yourself.


We've come a really long way, but I'm
FAR from done yet.

I've got something special coming your
way tomorrow, now that you know how to
place an ad, get traffic, and profit.

Tomorrow ...

I'm going to show you how to put it all
on autopilot. Be there, but ...

Go Here To Learn More:

"The fearless network marketer"

That no matter the result of any singular
action, that the accumulation of all that he
or she does will without a doubt bring their
dreams into reality.

He or she carries forward regardless of
whether or not he or she knows the exact
answer or the exact path.

The fearless network marketer takes action
first and asks questions later.

The fearless network marketer doesn't wait to
be told what to do or what not to do.

The fearless network marketer knows that
there is great wisdom in the advice of those
that have come before him or her.

The fearless network marketer knows that
success is not a destination; the fearless
network marketer knows that the journey IS
success in itself.

The fearless network marketer carries on
knowing that the day that lies before him or
her is a fresh start and a new journey, a
chance to do a little more and a little
better than the day previous.

The fearless network marketer knows that it's
not what he or she says that brings success
for others, but rather the action that he or
she takes.

The fearless network marketer knows that he
or she must be the one to stick his or her
neck on the line to set the standard, to pave
the path.

The fearless network marketer cares not what
"they" say; he or she looks to their results
and let's those be the marker of success.

The fearless network marketer knows that he
or she is not perfect, and that it's not his
or her job to be, he or she knows it's simply
the act of giving more than he or she thought
possible that creates the "magic"

The fearless network marketer doesn't let
time or small set backs stops him or her.

The fearless network marketer enjoys the
journey and wouldn't have it any other way.

The fearless network marketer knows that
patience truly is a virtue.

The fearless network marketer knows that it's
going to be hard and doesn't care.

The fearless network marketer pursues his or
her dream without fear.

And because of this the fearless network
marketer gets whatever he or she desires.

Are you fearless?

If you are, here's the only other thing you'll
ever really need, but don't take my word for
it. Check it out for yourself.......

"The Most Powerful Instant Commission Creation Method Known To Man"

The POWER Of Personal Endorsement.

It’s one thing to send out a great sales email to your list of prospects, but it’s an entirely different and vastly more powerful thing to actually create your own person endorsement. People just react to these sort of messages on an entirely different level.

Think about . . .

When was the last time you were on the fence about seeing a move or going to restaurant and what pushed you over to edge was a good friend saying“Yeah I say it and it was a great move.”

You trust your friends and family and because of this their recommendations hold more weight than all the promotions and all the advertisements you see for that same movie combined.

The same thing goes online.

If a true friend recommends something to you with a few reasons why you’re likely to go take a look right?

Well let’s use that power to your advantage.

This is only going to work if you’ve actually requested and listened to the product you’re recommending, just like it only works when you’ve seen a movie and then recommend it.

But after that, here’s what you do . . .

You write a simple email and just share your true thoughts. The subject line can be something like:

Subject: hey (friends name), this is [your name] you gotta see this

Then in the body of the email you answer three simple questions (and for the sake of example, let’s use the free cd here for this example)

Question 1: Where were you before?


(friends name) you know I’ve been at this business thing online for a while and I’ve been through my ups and downs. And to be honest with you, my biggest problem that held me back and frustrated me was noting having a simple plan of action to follow. You know how I kept buying leads and you’d ask “so how’d it go this month?” and I’d say “next month is my month!”

We both knew deep down I’d be given you the same answer when you asked me next month. And I was really getting down in the dumps about it all.

Question 2: What did you get?


You know better than anyone that I’ve always been the type of guy to buy anything (most times it never really worked in my favor).

Last week when I found this website that was giving away a free cd where this guy claimed he was able to grow his home business by 7413 people in three years without picking up the phone my alarms immediately went up.

Just like you’re saying right now I was like “Yeah right, when pigs fly I’ll be able to do that”, but it was free so I said what the heck I got nothing to loose.

Question 3: What happened after?


A few days later this cd with a picture of this guy that calls himself “The King Of Never Calling A Single Lead” shows up in my mailbox, so the next time I went out for a drive I popped in the cd player for a good laugh not expecting much.

Dude, you know me by know, I’ve seen and heard it all, but once I started listening to this thing I gotta tell you my heart started pumping. I had never heard this stuff before.

This CD I thought I was going to throw away after listening to the first five minutes, I kid you not, I not only listened to, but when I got home I put in my computer, downloaded it to iTunes, played it again, and started taking notes.

I thought this guy was full of you know what, but what he talked about blew my mind. It’s the freaking real deal man.

And know I wouldn’t get this worked up if it wasn’t. Go check this thing out and I highly recommend you pick it up, it’s free, and it’s like nothing I’ve ever heard before.

When you get a chance to listen to it shoot me an email and tell me if I was kidding you.

Talk soon,

Your Name

See how simple that was?

Now you can use what I put together as template if you like or take the three big question above and write your own. But you send this type of message out to the folks that know you and in the biz too and you you’ll make more and easier money than you ever thought.

That’s what I call “The Most Powerful Instant Commission Method Known To Man”

Go here for more;

‎"How To Get 1,645 To 2,144 Leads In 24 Hours Or Less" (Part 5 of 7)

The best thing about newsletter
marketing is the shear number of new
leads that you can drive into your list
in less than a day.

It never ever gets old sitting back in
my chair and hitting refresh on my
computer browser to and seeing another
100 leads flowing into my list hourly,

Or ...

Looking at the daily stats to see 2,144
leads for the day and a cool $11,000 in
profits and you know you didn't do

It almost feels like you're cheating or
something. Almost ...

Well, if seeing HUGE swoons of leads is
what gets you most excited in your
business, then today's lesson is for

I'm going to show you exactly how to
make that happen by NOT making a mistake
FAR too many marketers make in their
newsletter marketing efforts, but ...

Before we get into the lead getting
goodness of today's lesson let me bring
you back up to speed on my favorite of
all lead getting methods - newsletter

In the first lesson I shared with you
how newsletter marketing has absolutely
changed my life, and today brings me
2,144 leads per day passively.

But, more timely and important is that
fact that in today's ever changing world
this strategy isn't changing, and ...

Once you've got a few ultra responsive
newsletter lead streams flowing into
your business you've got an absolutely
unfair advantage over the competition,
that is ...

As long as you don't make the mistakes
we've discussed to date:

- Mistake #1 Quality Control

Choose the wrong newsletter and you've
lost before you've even started.

RULE: Always put your potential
newsletters through a rigorous quality
control process before spending a dime.

- Mistake #2 Ad Placement Control

Place your ad in the wrong spot even in
the right newsletter and could end up
with very little exposure.

RULE: Always place "Solo Ad", nuf said.

- Mistake #3 Traffic Control

Create the wrong type of an ad and you
drastically reduce the amount of traffic
you're getting from newsletter

Rule: Short punchy ads = Maximum Traffic

And that brings us up to today's topic
at hand ...

Lead Getting!

Mistake #4: Lead Control

If want maximum lead flow from your
newsletter ads like, for example ...

Where, in one ad I generated 9,249
clicks, and 6,155 leads for a total
conversion rate of traffic to lead of
66.55% you've to take ONE very important
factor into consideration that many

Your landing page, i.e. the page you
send traffic to after they click your
link in your solo ad ABSOLUTELY matters.

It matters a whole lot, and ...

It's another one of those places where I
see new marketers drop the ball.

I've seen people with ads in great
newsletters, great solo ad copy (the
right placement), and I even clicked the
link (so they're getting traffic), but
then I get hit with a brick wall ...

An absolutely horrible landing page.

Man! That hurts to see.

They were almost there, but they messed
up the last detail.

If you create your landing page
correctly then you WILL get a lot of
leads, and that's good - here's why ...

Newsletter marketing is what you call
"fixed cost" marketing, so what that
means is you pay for the ad and no
matter what happens you've paid.

Our goal then is - the MOST bang for our
buck. It's ALL about driving maximum
results in your advertising, and lead
getting is THE MOST important part of
this whole equation.

So remember what I told you about your
solo ad copy? Short copy = maximum

Same thing holds true for the page that
you send your traffic to after they
click your link.

Make sure your opt in is above the fold
(meaning your visitors can clearly see
it as soon as they get to your site),
and ...

Here's a BONUS TIP that's worth it's
weight in gold.

Make sure your landing page is congruent
with your solo ad copy.

If your prospects read one something in
your solo ad and then sees the exact
same thing when they get to your landing
page it flips a switch in their mind
that basically says "I'm in the right
place," and when your prospects get
feeling ....

That's where astronomically high
conversion rates like 66.55% can be
obtained by everyday people like you and
I. Now there's more to it....

We've discussed choosing the right
newsletter, choosing the right
placement, creating the right type of
ad, and creating the right type of
landing page to get you a ton of leads,
but ...

There's one thing missing isn't there?

We haven't even scratched the surface of
money making on your newsletter
advertising efforts, and that's ...

All about what you do after you get
yourself a bunch of leads.

I'm not about to leave you hanging.

Tomorrow I'm going to share with you how
to drive maximum profits from your
newsletter marketing efforts.

It's the last piece, and arguably the
most important piece of the equation, so
don't miss it.

Go Here To Learn More:

"How To Get 1,645 To 2,144 Leads In 24 Hours Or Less" (Part 2 of 7)

Yesterday I shared my story with you,
about how ...

Using simple online newsletter
advertising I was able to quit my job
back in 2005 and today using the EXACT
same strategies I'm able to drive 2000+
leads in less than 24 hours on call.

Just imagine by this time next week
having a 2000+ lead day ... How would
that change your business?

For me, it's changed my life ...

I also shared with you yesterday what
makes newsletter marketing so powerful.

It's all about "responsiveness", and
online ...

You won't find a most responsive lead
than you will with newsletter
advertising because of how it's set up.

People looking to solve their problems
or follow their passions sign up for
topic specific newsletters to gain more
information by email on that specific
topic and when you ...

Place an ad in a newsletter like that
you're going to end up driving a LOT of
highly responsive traffic your way.

Then it REALLY get's exciting when you
have 5 or 10 different newsletter ads
like that set up on autopilot to go out
for you on a monthly basis.

Yesterday I promised, and I'd share with
you the BIGGEST Mistake most new
newsletter marketers make when they get
started, so let's dig into it.

MISTAKE #1: "Quality Control"

Make no mistake, this ONE singular
mistake is the BIGGEST mistake most new
newsletter marketers make.

It costs them a LOT of money, and I've
even made this exact mistake to the tune
of $2,683 on a single ad.

Imagine, making one slight mistake and
having it cost you $2,683.

It sucks, so my goal in today's lesson
is to make sure you NEVER make this
mistake in your newsletter marketing

I call this mistake "Quality Control"
because the truth is, most new
newsletter marketers simple choose the
WRONG newsletters to place their ads in
in the first place.

You get this wrong and you've got little
to no chance of creating that 2000+ lead
day yourself.

When I made this mistake I paid $2,683
for a newsletter that was SUPPOSED to go
out to 200,000+ subscribers.

I got all the other steps right (I'll go
through those in nest few lessons), but
because I got this one step wrong ...

On the day this ad went out I generate
all of 2 unique visitors. Me, and the
guy that stole my money.

A fun day:)

The mistake I made wasn't exactly the
same mistake most new newsletter
marketers make but I made it based on
the same root cause.

Most new marketer will judge a
newsletters responsiveness based on one
of two criteria.

- How cheap it is

- What testimonials they see on the
"Advertise With Us" page

Both mistakes are totally
understandable. I mean ...

If you're just getting started you're
probably looking for bargains, and
you're basing those bargains on price,
or ...

You're they're looking for some form of
positive reinforcement before they spend
money, and when they see a bunch of
people praising a newsletter they feel
more confident about their choice.

Makes sense right?

But ...

Here's the REAL deal ...

Neither price nor what other people say
about how great any newsletter is will
dictate the success of your ad.

Price I think you get. You get what you
pay for, but testimonials ...

Those testimonials could be 12 years old
for all you know. Basing whether or not
you should place an ad on something
another person potentially said 12 years
ago isn't going guarantee you see the
same results now.

You don't know what's happened over the
last 12 years. Maybe the newsletter
publisher was growing his list like
crazy back then, but today he hasn't put
a new lead on that list in years, but
he's still charging the same price.

And ...

I don't care how good of a marketer you
are, no marketing magic is going to pull
a response from 12 year old leads.

My point is, if you place an ad with the
cheapest newsletter you can find or the
one with the most testimonials can very
well be the fast path to wasting money.

MANY ... MANY ... new marketers make
this mistake. Don't let it be you.

 I had to learn my lesson the hard way.
It cost me a LOT, that's why today ...

Before I ever place a new newsletter ad
I ALWAYS put each and every potential
newsletter I'm thinking about placing ad
in through a rigorous 6 step quality
control process before I ever think
about spending a single dime.

Never place a newsletter ad without
putting that potential newsletter
through a rigorous "Quality Control"

You do that and you're well on your way
to your first 2000+ lead day, but that's
just first hurdle.

Tomorrow I'm going to share with you the
second biggest mistake most newsletter
marketers make, this mistake is just
crucial, it's the difference between
your newsletter ad getting seen and you
getting a TON of clicks or NOT.

If you want make sure you get maximum
clicks, tune it tomorrow because I'll be
sharing with you how drive over 3,127
clicks from a single newsletter ad by
NOT making mistake #2, but for now ...

Go Here To Learn More:

Google Analytics Benchmarking Newsletter 2011, Volume 1, July 2011

If you have any comments or news updates, let us know. Leave your comment here!