Saturday, July 2, 2011

"The Most Powerful Instant Commission Creation Method Known To Man"

The POWER Of Personal Endorsement.

It’s one thing to send out a great sales email to your list of prospects, but it’s an entirely different and vastly more powerful thing to actually create your own person endorsement. People just react to these sort of messages on an entirely different level.

Think about . . .

When was the last time you were on the fence about seeing a move or going to restaurant and what pushed you over to edge was a good friend saying“Yeah I say it and it was a great move.”

You trust your friends and family and because of this their recommendations hold more weight than all the promotions and all the advertisements you see for that same movie combined.

The same thing goes online.

If a true friend recommends something to you with a few reasons why you’re likely to go take a look right?

Well let’s use that power to your advantage.

This is only going to work if you’ve actually requested and listened to the product you’re recommending, just like it only works when you’ve seen a movie and then recommend it.

But after that, here’s what you do . . .

You write a simple email and just share your true thoughts. The subject line can be something like:

Subject: hey (friends name), this is [your name] you gotta see this

Then in the body of the email you answer three simple questions (and for the sake of example, let’s use the free cd here for this example)

Question 1: Where were you before?


(friends name) you know I’ve been at this business thing online for a while and I’ve been through my ups and downs. And to be honest with you, my biggest problem that held me back and frustrated me was noting having a simple plan of action to follow. You know how I kept buying leads and you’d ask “so how’d it go this month?” and I’d say “next month is my month!”

We both knew deep down I’d be given you the same answer when you asked me next month. And I was really getting down in the dumps about it all.

Question 2: What did you get?


You know better than anyone that I’ve always been the type of guy to buy anything (most times it never really worked in my favor).

Last week when I found this website that was giving away a free cd where this guy claimed he was able to grow his home business by 7413 people in three years without picking up the phone my alarms immediately went up.

Just like you’re saying right now I was like “Yeah right, when pigs fly I’ll be able to do that”, but it was free so I said what the heck I got nothing to loose.

Question 3: What happened after?


A few days later this cd with a picture of this guy that calls himself “The King Of Never Calling A Single Lead” shows up in my mailbox, so the next time I went out for a drive I popped in the cd player for a good laugh not expecting much.

Dude, you know me by know, I’ve seen and heard it all, but once I started listening to this thing I gotta tell you my heart started pumping. I had never heard this stuff before.

This CD I thought I was going to throw away after listening to the first five minutes, I kid you not, I not only listened to, but when I got home I put in my computer, downloaded it to iTunes, played it again, and started taking notes.

I thought this guy was full of you know what, but what he talked about blew my mind. It’s the freaking real deal man.

And know I wouldn’t get this worked up if it wasn’t. Go check this thing out and I highly recommend you pick it up, it’s free, and it’s like nothing I’ve ever heard before.

When you get a chance to listen to it shoot me an email and tell me if I was kidding you.

Talk soon,

Your Name

See how simple that was?

Now you can use what I put together as template if you like or take the three big question above and write your own. But you send this type of message out to the folks that know you and in the biz too and you you’ll make more and easier money than you ever thought.

That’s what I call “The Most Powerful Instant Commission Method Known To Man”

Go here for more;

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