Saturday, July 2, 2011

"The fearless network marketer"

That no matter the result of any singular
action, that the accumulation of all that he
or she does will without a doubt bring their
dreams into reality.

He or she carries forward regardless of
whether or not he or she knows the exact
answer or the exact path.

The fearless network marketer takes action
first and asks questions later.

The fearless network marketer doesn't wait to
be told what to do or what not to do.

The fearless network marketer knows that
there is great wisdom in the advice of those
that have come before him or her.

The fearless network marketer knows that
success is not a destination; the fearless
network marketer knows that the journey IS
success in itself.

The fearless network marketer carries on
knowing that the day that lies before him or
her is a fresh start and a new journey, a
chance to do a little more and a little
better than the day previous.

The fearless network marketer knows that it's
not what he or she says that brings success
for others, but rather the action that he or
she takes.

The fearless network marketer knows that he
or she must be the one to stick his or her
neck on the line to set the standard, to pave
the path.

The fearless network marketer cares not what
"they" say; he or she looks to their results
and let's those be the marker of success.

The fearless network marketer knows that he
or she is not perfect, and that it's not his
or her job to be, he or she knows it's simply
the act of giving more than he or she thought
possible that creates the "magic"

The fearless network marketer doesn't let
time or small set backs stops him or her.

The fearless network marketer enjoys the
journey and wouldn't have it any other way.

The fearless network marketer knows that
patience truly is a virtue.

The fearless network marketer knows that it's
going to be hard and doesn't care.

The fearless network marketer pursues his or
her dream without fear.

And because of this the fearless network
marketer gets whatever he or she desires.

Are you fearless?

If you are, here's the only other thing you'll
ever really need, but don't take my word for
it. Check it out for yourself.......

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