Sunday, May 29, 2011

How To Recruit With Words.

Just a few days ago I was going through a
free report that will shed some powerful
light on how to recruit with words.

The author of the report was a professional
copywriter working for one of the most famous
copywriting firms in the world.

This guy was writing a sales letter for a
golf related product.

In the letter, the copywriter referred to
what he THOUGHT was most important to his

He addressed two major frustrations in the
golfing world - hitting the ball father and
eliminating hooks and slices.

Upon completion of the letter the copywriter
took the letter to the big boss for a final

His boss, being one of the most accomplished
copywriters in the world and having written
several high performing offers for the golf
world, looked at the letter and gave him some
simple advice . . .

"Forget about the slice stuff and focus the
entire letter on hitting the ball farther.
That's REALLY what the market is after."

The copywriter followed the advice of his
boss and made the appropriate changes and
ended up with a winner.

The moral of the story is . . .

Don't worry about the ancillary stuff. Deal
with the biggest problem and frustration of
the target market and dig deep on it.

 What this means to you and I as
network marketers is this (and it's important)...
 forget about everything in your venture
 except solving the main problem of
your prospect.

In the network marketing world, the problem
always comes back to money. Solve that and
that alone.

To be honest, no one cares about your
companies products for the most part. All
they really want to know is "how" they are
going to make money.

From your prospect's perspective, if you give
them a good opportunity to solve their money
problems, they can always rationalize that
the product or service is "good".

Waste no time describing your product or why
your company is so great, unless it directly
supports how and why your prospects have the
best chance of making money with it.

Look around both the online and offline
network marketing world and you'll soon see
very clearly that this is the model that just
about every highly successful opportunity

So, you use it to. And you think of yourself
as the opportunity NOT your company, but I'll
explain as we dig deeper here.

So let's get to the step by step.

First, you begin with a headline that
addresses the concern of money.

Second, you start your sales letter with a
lead in that either pulls your audience
directly into your story to both entertain
and address again the concern or you can
simply pose a question that would pull them
in deeper like "If you're sick and tired of
working pay check to paycheck then pay
attention to everything you're about to

Next you dig deeper into your story. If you
have a good one be sure to bring up your real
life failures that they can identify with.


So that when your prospect reads it he then
begins to think "If this guy can do it after
going through all this then so can if I just
know what he knows."

If you can arouse that sort of curiosity then
you're on the right track.

Follow this up by bringing up a few things
that they may have learned or tried in the
past and explain why the only result of
following that path is failure. Be sure to
explain exactly why.

Allude to the idea that you've found a way

Bring up your biggest "Ah Ha" moment. The
thing that changed everything for you.

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