Sunday, May 29, 2011

The "Power" Of Tragedy.

The power of tragedy is that provides a
more compelling a story line than
anything else.

Think back to all the most powerful
stories throughout history.

And well, here's where this matters to
you and me.

Right now, your story might be something
of a tragedy, things aren't going right,
you're hitting the wall, you're going
through the school of hard knocks for
the eighth time.

Well, guess what? It happens to us all
at some point, and once you rise above
it like the phoenix from the flame
you'll find . . .

In sharing the truth of your own tragedy
with those who come after will be one
of your most powerful and real assets
to attract good-real people to your

Never be ashamed, never be afraid to
share the truth, the good the bad and
the ugly, and you'll find your worst
times to be one of the most powerful
forces you can and will use to propel
yourself to the good ones.

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