Saturday, June 25, 2011

"How To Create Everyday Cashflow In Your Home Business"

Is bar none the most important thing to
focus on at the beginning of your

In fact, I would go so far as to say that
your ability to create it is the #1
determining factor of the overall long
term success of your business.

This is something that I definitely
didn't understand when I started my own
business. I fell "hook line and sinker"
for the whole company line . . .

"Just keep recruiting"

Yeah right . . .

The problem is if that's what you
believe you're going to go broke before
your business ever has a chance to
succeed or you'll get yourself into
severe credit card debt as I did myself.

Now, in the old days, the way to create
every day cash flow was to retail your
companies product, but I submit that
that is far from the optimal solution,
and that the optimal solution is far
easier than what "used" to work.

The problem with retailing your
companies product, which I found out
earlier, is very few people (especially
online) are willing to pay premium
prices for your moon juice or whatever
when they can get a retail version of
the same thing is most situations for
far less.

We as consumers are not stupid, and I
will submit that a company with a
completely unique product line does have
an advantage when it comes to retailing,
but still it's not the optimal solution.

If you don't make money today,
yesterday, and tomorrow in your business
or you falsely believe that simply doing
free stuff will get you where you want
to go here's what's going to happen.

You'll simply loose steam. Month one you
believe, month two you start to
question, month three you're pissed at
your sponsor, month four you think
you're stupid for even starting a new
business, and by month five you quit.

That's how it goes, I've been around
long enough to be able to simply "call
them as I see them" and what I just told
you his how humans work.

You and I need positive reinforcement
along the way to succeed, not blind
faith and vague instructions.

So here's why the optimal solution is

The optimum solution is to create your
own front end product or obtain rights
to a product that gives your prospects
information they hunger for, and if
you're smart you'll create something
that gives amazing value in the areas
your prospects desire their problems
solved AND that leads them down the path
to wanting to work with you personally.

What's better than your own information
product for "getting leads" or
"recruiting more"?


What happens is you sell your stuff, you
make 100% profits on your sales,
everyday your business is cash flow
positive, you've got the positive
reinforcement you need to keep pushing
forward, and your prospects now see you
as their trusted advisor and expert both
because you have your own product line
and the vast majority of them don't and
when they purchase it they concede to
the fact that you can help them.

Well what if that product is amazing and
they love you for it? What do they think
about you?

Probably only good things.

Well what if you sent an email to them 7
days after purchase opening up a window
for a few of them to work with you
personally? Do you think a few of your
customers would jump at the chance?

I do.

Yes, you can have your cake and eat it

It's far easier and more fun to build
your business with your front end profit
margin stabilized by your own product.

Now the problem for most is they believe
they can't create their own product or
fast or sell it. On all three counts
they're wrong.

If you're an "Inner Circle" family
member here's a lesson to check out
that will help insure you get your own
product created and out there faster
than you now currently think:

Go here to find out more;

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