Saturday, June 11, 2011

Your Physical Amount Of Energy.

Often times people do not understand
that so much of success, or creating
ANY goal you have in life, comes down
to your physical amount of ENERGY.

But it's not just your physical amount
of energy... it's your mental, emotional,
and spiritual amount of energy as well.
Because we ALL know that those
facets of being human affect you on
the physical level as well.

For example: Have you ever been
dumped by a boyfriend/girlfriend
you loved deeply?
How did that feel?  Did you feel
like getting up the next day & taking
the world by storm?

Or did you want to hide under your
covers & torture yourself with all
the things you could have done differently?

For 99% of people, it's probably
option 2.  Yet it's the perfect example
of how our mental, emotional, &
spiritual states completely effect
our ability to function in the
physical world.

If there is an inbalance, it throws
off our energy in all areas of our
lives. Meaning, we get far more

So let me explain what I mean by
success comes down to Energy.

Have you ever hung around the
TOP PRODUCERS of this industry
or any industry for that matter?

Have you ever noticed one of the
defining characteristics of these

people that leads to them being

They have a TON OF ENERGY.

An absolute Ton.  Top producers,
& producers in general, simply
exude energy.

They EXUDE it.  It flows from them
like a river.  They pour it into their
work, their relationships, their friends,
their goals, their LIFE.

They pour it into everything.

And just like you pour gasoline into
your car to make it go...

... the "Energy" of the human spirit
gets poured into our WORK to make
it flourish, grow, & become successful.

Yet most people don't understand this
equation.  They haven't connected the
dots between their own levels of energy,
and all the results they are creating in life.

So one of the FIRST things an Unstoppable
Entrepreneur does... is perform a COMPLETE
assessment of their current energy levels &
discover anything that is draining them
of their energy.

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