Thursday, July 7, 2011

"How To Create Your First 3 Profitable Products From Scratch".

The biggest mystery to most home
business entrepreneurs is how to create
a profitable front end product if
they're not yet expert enough to say "I
make a ton of dough and recruit like

The truth is you don't have to be a big
shot to create your first three
profitable products.

I know. I know. You don't believe me,
so let me explain why.

So the first thing you need to
understand & own is you don't need to be
the "Grand Puba" of marketing to create
a product of value that people will
happily pay you for.

The second thing is simply follow my
lead through this stair step process,
and . . .

The third thing we need to remember is
that network marketers are concerned
about three things only:

1. Getting more leads

2. Making more money

3. Recruiting without rejection

And that's good! Because we can stair
step our way to our first three products
knowing this.

The first thing you do is get good at
getting leads in one way or another. The
easiest path is to choose a free method
from the sales and persuasion

People love free and network marketers 
love leads. Putting the two together is
like dynamite.

Document your success in getting leads
and then one day do a free webinar and
show a few people what you do and record

First product created.

Next, you create an irresistible offer
sales video to sell that product. If you
don't know how you can use my "Ultimate
Video Sales And Recruiting Video
Formula" here:

Then you get to selling.

Once you make sales you teach people how
you did in your second product.

How? You do a free webinar for your now
customers and record it.

Simply walk them through your steps to
profiting online and share fully and
completely and you're gold.

Create another irresistible sales video
and you've got product number two in
your funnel done.

Meanwhile back at the farm what you
should be doing is calling your
customers asking how you can be of
further assistance.

Share and help all that you can.
Naturally they'll ask you what you're up
to and . . .

If you so choose you can introduce
them to your back-end opportunity.

What have you just now done?

Recruited without rejection.

Once you've got that process down pat
guess what you do?

You guessed it, hold another webinar for
your customers and share with them your
insights and strategies.

Now if you want to get tricky, give them
the opportunity to get your edited
webinar recording for free in exchange
for their feedback.

Now you've created testimonials too.

Sales video it up, and you've got three
products in your funnel starting from

Anyone can do this, and so can you. So
get to it!

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